Symposium 1: The Weaving Workshop Revisited
Publicerat 2019.10.08
Welcome to a two-day symposium presented by the Röhsska Museum and students of HDK – Academy of Design and Crafts. The symposium will be focused on practice-based research on occasion of the 100-year anniversary of the Bauhaus school.
In the spirit of Anni Albers, Bauhaus weaver, designer and writer, this two-day symposium will focus on ways to make practice-based research public. Anni Albers is recognised as one of the first weavers who theorized weaving through the writing of essays as part of her work as a textile artist. Her influence continues to provide us with key references in textile research today.
Through an open public event at the Röhsska Museum, the symposium aims to develop and implement research dialogues, exchanges and partnerships about how to make artistic research public on its own terms. This means moving beyond the confines of standardised academic text or power point lectures.
Applying the principles of the interdisciplinary Bauhaus school, the invited guests, such as students and researchers from the fields of fine-, applied- and performing arts, will present research findings in dialogue with the academic community and the public.
Kindly note that there is only a limited number of places available. Sign up here:
The lectures are in English, whereas the workshop will be in both Swedish and English.
PROGRAM DAY 1 9 -9.30 am Introduction to the symposium Emelie Röndahl, Rosa Tolnov Clausen and Hanna af Ekström, doctoral students at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing arts at Gothenburg University.
9.30-12 am Workshops: Sensemaking through hands Camilla Groth, ceramicist and researcher between Craft and Conservation at Gothenburg University.
Sewing infant wrapping cloths Birgitta Nordström, textile artist and researcher.
Writing Bach at the Keyboard Joel Speerstra, musician and researcher HSM.
12-1 pm Lunch can be bought in the Café Röhsska.
1-2 pm Lecture: WeavingLab Marianne Fairbanks, textile artist and designer, presents her artistic practice and the project WeavingLab.
2-4 pm Workshop: WeavingLab Marianne Fairbanks, textile artist and designer.
Please observe that the symposium will be documented through audio and photography.
The Weaving Workshop Revisited have been kindly supported by: Estrid Ericson Stiftelsen, Slöjdföreningens projektstipendium and the Research School at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing arts at Gothenburg University.
The programme is part of the Gothenburg design festival, produced in collaboration with HDK- Academy of Design and Crafts, presented as part of Mötesplats Röhsska.
Sammanfattning på svenska Tillsammans med HDK – Högskolan för design och konsthantverk bjuder Röhsska museet in till ett två-dagars symposium. Konferensen fokuserar på praktikbaserad forskning i Bahausskolans anda inspirerad av textilkonstnären Anni Albers där studenter, forskare och allmänhet möts. Hålls på svenska och engelska.
Programmet ingår i Gothenburg design festival, producerad i samarbete med HDK – Högskolan för design och konsthantverk inom ramen för Mötesplats Röhsska.
Programmet pågår kl 9-16.
Bild: Shipyard Loom, platsspecifik väv på skeppsvarvet Skver, Mali Losijn (Kroatien), 2014, foto: Emelie Röndahl.
Datum: 2019.10.08
Tid: 09:00
Plats: Röhsska museet
Arrangör: Röhsska museet & HDK